This South American species has attractive pink flowers with a darker throat. It is the only Hibiscus species endemic to subtropical South America, (Argentina and Uruguay), and the only deciduous Hibiscus found in South America. The name cisplatinus is in reference to the Rio de La Plata, a large esturay southeast of Buenos Aires, where this species was originally discovered. It is found growing by stream banks in its native habitat. Hibiscus cisplatinus forms large, multi-stemmed shrub up to 2m tall. The stems have small spines, but not as large as those found on Hibiscus striatus. Hibiscus cisplatinus is closely related to Hibiscus striatus. For more information about this taxonomic relationship, see reference under Hibiscus striatus ssp. Lambertianus
Historical Reference: La plante dont nous publions aujourd'hui le portrait est également sud-américaine, mais elle croît sous une latitude beaucoup plus australe. Je l'ai reçue, par les soins de mon ami M. Gantera, de la République de l'Uruguay où elle croît à l'état sauvage. C'est notre compatriote Auguste de Saint-Hilaire quila découvrit le premier, en deçà du rio de la Pinta (comme l'indique son nom) et sur les bords du rio Negro, puis de l'Encapamento do rincaô das Galinhas, où elle fleurissait en décembre. Depuis deux années, je cultive cette espèce à La Croix où elle croît vigoureusement et se couvre de grandes et jolies fleurs lilas à centre pourpre foncé, pendant toute la belle saison. Une variété s'est montrée à fleurs presques blanches. En voici la description prise sur le vif:
Translation: The plant which we publish the picture of today is also South American, but it grows in a more southern latitude. I received it, by the care of my friend Mr. Ganter, from the Republic of Uruguay, where it grows in the wild. It was our compatriot Augustus Saint-Hilaire who discovered it first, below the Rio de la Plata (as indicated by its name) and on the banks of the Rio Negro, then the Incapamento do rincaô das Galinhas, where it flourishes in December. For two years I've been growing this species in La Croix where it grows vigorously and is covered throughout the season with large and beautiful lilac flowers with a dark purple center. There is also a variety with almost white flowers.
Revue Horticole, Journal D'Horticulture Pratique 1898
Société nationale d'horticulture de France